Monday, February 13, 2012

Sweet Success Deal of the Week in Living Social

Our deal with Ensogo Livingsocial Philippines will run on Feb. 14, Tuesday.  We are offering the following:
1) Box of 20 of chocolate meringue - 50% off
2) Three (3) boxes of 20 of chocolate meringue - 50%
3) Five (5) boxes of 20 of chocolate meringue - 50% off

Promo runs from Feb. 14 - Feb 17, 2012.  Claiming period is from March 01 - May 31, 2012.  Participants can only buy one (1) voucher per person except for box of 20 which is up to two (2) vouchers per person.  We are also offering shipping services within Metro Manila, with a fee.  Please check out the deal at

Sweet Success is open Mondays to Saturdays from 9AM to 6PM.  You may reach us at +63-2 244.8790 or +63-2 244.8795, or email us at for inquiries or orders.  Please visit Sweet Success Fan page or Sweet Success Multiply site for more information on our products.

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